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Corrine Mininger Sportsmanship award

Every show season we ask for nominations for the Corrine Mininger Sportsmanship Award. This award is in memoriam of Corrine, who was a friend to everyone at the club. Despite the challenges taht life presented her she had an admirable zest for life & all things horses. She could always be found at the club helping in whatever capacity she could with a big smile on her face.  


The Corinne Mininger Sportsmanship Award was created as a way to continue to honor and remember our dear friend. The nominees for this award are chosen by the volunteers and other competitors of BRC. One competitor from each discipline is chosen to represent the CM Sportsmanship Award. A write-up is composed about the person defining what makes them a candidate for the award. The qualities we are looking for are a spirit of volunteerism, kindness to all including fellow competitors, a strong heart & courage to overcome adversity with a smile on your face. Things we always saw in Corrine herself. Corrine's family then chooses the final award winner based on the anonymous write-ups composed by the board or the people that nominated the competitor. All nominees are presented an award at the banquet. The overall winner is presented with a plaque, as well as an award. 


Donations for the Corinne Mininger Sportsmanship Fund may be made via PayPal, Venmo, Cash or Check. Please submit cash or checks to PO Box 113 Tylersport, PA 18971. Please use the "family & friends" when using PayPal or Venmo. 


Corrine Mininger Sprotsmanship Award Winners:

2022- Jennifer (Washel) Smith

2023- Amy Kriebel









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